DIY Jeans

Bleach stains.

I’ve definitely had my share of them and if you work in the hair industry, they’re inevitable. Most of my clothes are black so I’m able to just sharpie over the marks (sshhh, don’t tell anyone). But with these jeans being green, I had to come up with a new solution.

So I decided to dye them a different color!


I started by removing the original color with a color remover. This removes the minerals from the bleach along with the green jean color.


Next, I soaked the jeans in hot water and dye, stirring constantly for 60 min. After that, I washed the jeans in cold water and let them air dry.

(Note 1: be sure to stir constantly for the full 60 min… I tried the color removal on a jacket as well just for the heck of it, but I didn’t stir it very well and it came out looking like a bad tie dye job)

(Note 2: I did this with another pair of jeans but skipped the color removal step because they were already black. Unfortunately, the dye barely colored the stains and just made my jeans darker everywhere else)



I’m super happy with the end results. I probably won’t do this again just because of how long it took, but I highly recommend the full Rit line if you ever want to try this yourself!

Also, the lighting above makes the jeans look a bit blue. So we decided to go out and do a shoot to show how jet black they really are:


Emily NeelComment